Judy Hersch from Evolution Solutions

Judy Hersch from Evolution Solutions speaking at an event

The second in our series of Member Spotlights, this time we welcome life and business coach Judy Hersch from Evolution Solutions. Judy tells her inspiring story about the life moments that gave her the push to start her own business and how she continually works on herself in order to help her clients. 


Tell us about yourself and your company…when were you founded? Where did you get the idea for your company? Describe your lightbulb moment at which point you knew your venture might actually become a success.

I spent 20 years in corporate America as a Corporate Trainer and Project Manager, consistently working 60 – 80-hour weeks. In parallel, I was coaching executives, entrepreneurs and other business leaders. At that time, I held a limiting belief that I had to stay employed by a corporation to ensure I had a steady stream of income and the safety of a corporate health insurance plan and 401k.   

I continued to burn the candle at both ends and life gave me a few wake-up calls in the form of health scares. Those issues were serious enough to take me out of work for several months.

The final wake-up call came when my father was diagnosed with ALS (Lou-Gehrig’s disease). It was only then when I made the decision to quit my corporate job and move back to California (from the UK) to help take care of my dad.

And that was a turning point. The lightbulb moment happened as I was taking care of my father and applying the work I had been teaching and coaching for so many years with the greatest level of sincerity and commitment. I adjusted from the UK back to the US almost overnight, making a full recovery from my health challenges and becoming a caregiver for my father, while maintaining a balanced mental and emotional state. This was when I realised I needed to officially establish my coaching and training business, so that others could enjoy the freedom, fulfillment, success, and happiness that arises when you live on purpose and beyond the confines of limiting subconscious belief patterns. My company, Evolution Solutions, was born out of these challenges.  

Evolution Solutions offers cutting-edge training and coaching methodologies, many of which are founded in neuroscience. We deliver unique solutions that enable clients to live to their greatest potential, creating extraordinary success, freedom and a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in every area of life. We coach and train individuals, groups, teams, and organisations of all sizes worldwide.  

What are you most passionate about in business? How do you continue to challenge yourself? 

I am most passionate about teaching clients to access a level of their own potential or their company’s potential they often didn’t fully realise or believe existed. Providing practical, yet transformational knowledge, skills, and tools to change ordinary results and experiences into the extraordinary is a thrill every day. I also find great passion in pulling from a vast repertoire of coaching tools and resources learned over the years to deliver a customized approach for each client.  

I continue to challenge myself by living what I teach and expanding my own knowledge, skills, and awareness daily. I surround myself with others who are experts in their field, and continually invest in education and training. I have individual and group mastermind sessions with highly aware people, which serves to keep me on an “upward spiral of becoming”. I also challenge myself by looking for new platforms, locations, and audiences to share key content from my programs.

What was the best advice anyone ever gave you, and did you follow it?

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s says, “If you’re not being driven by a vision of the future, you’re left with living from the memories of your past and your life won’t change”.  

So many of us just wake up and start our day in autopilot, running through a routine set of behaviours and feeling the same way we did the day before. Human beings have between 60 – 70,000 thoughts in a single day and 90% of our thoughts are the same as yesterday. So, if we don’t have a clear vision of not only where we want to be but who we want to be in the future, we are left recreating our past into our future. To make profound changes in our lives and contribute our gifts and talents in a way that is deeply satisfying, we must start our day with new thoughts, actions, and feelings, driven by and in alignment with our future vision.  

I did follow this advice and it served me in creating and growing my company (and myself in parallel) and serving a global community. And this process of visioning is ongoing as there is always an opportunity to evolve to new heights.   

Who do you most admire and why?

I admire so many people in history – that it is challenging to choose just one. I will defer to someone who is currently in my life by the name of Dr. Sue Morter. She is a brilliant mentor, guide and teacher. Every time I hear her speak, I learn something new about how to approach life, myself, or my business. She is a best-selling author and a long-time international speaker and teacher of many of the tools and techniques that I use in my life and coaching business.  She is a pioneer in her field of Energy Medicine and takes topics like quantum physics and epigenetics and makes them practical and usable by anyone. Her teachings are constantly evolving, expanding, and changing in ways that never cease to amaze me. She has transformed herself and her life from one of fear, self-doubt and limitation to one of complete freedom, joy, and extraordinary success. Her passion for her work in helping others is unmatched and her compassion and generosity is immeasurable.


Thanks so much to Judy for this insightful look into her work – the passion she has really shines through and it’s pretty inspirational! If you’d like to feature in a future Member Spotlight, let us know in the Founders Hub Slack!